Fit For Purpose.

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Simplify The Complexity of Emerging Issues.

Fit For Purpose is a way of saying that your systems, processes and data for decision making can be upgraded to engage, make it easier for you to achieve, and prioritise all of the complex outcomes your organisation is seeking to achieve.

If its material to you – you need to make sure you are dealing with it appropriately.

Your organisation has varying levels of commitments and aspirations across carbon emissions, environmental protection, plastic use, ethical treatment of customers, service level obligations, contractual obligations, regulatory compliance, social and community impact, cybersecurity, organisational resilience AND Sustained Financial Performance - as well as a variety of other traditional and emerging concerns.

This is just the baseline reality of operating an organisation in the new normal.

Dealing with all of these frequently conflicting demands has become too difficult using the processes and systems we are used to relying on.

Existing practices are overloaded – and failing. They are not fit for purpose for the challenges we face. They put undue load and demand on your staff and executives to try to bridge the gap.

Enhanced governance makes complexity simple.

Enhanced systems of practice put all of that complexity into the machinery of your business – so that your staff, managers, executives and board are presented with information that allows them to make conscious decisions about the necessary trade-offs. Integrated Materiality is a technical way of saying that the prioritisation of conflicting obligations can be managed by how material each is to the organisation, and dealt with accordingly.

It sounds difficult, but it’s not. There are companies out there doing it today.

Turns out that organisational performance IMPROVES through having enhanced practices in place to help you make better decisions in the context of all of this complexity. What you are doing today is already horribly complex – and the better practices help you make better, more consistent and aligned decisions resulting in better sustained performance.

So rather than having to see all of these external pressures as adding cost, risk and liability to the business, you can see it as a reason to upgrade to better practice and achieve better performance.

For your own success – now is the time to embrace all of the complexity of these emerging issues with upgrades to practices that are Fit To Purpose for the challenges you face.