The Value Creation Maturity Assessment

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Assessing Your Capability to Guide Your Improvement Action.
If we were leaders in a manufacturing environment, we would make rational business decisions knowing the throughput of our machines, the cost of upgrades, and the market conditions.
As captains of knowledge-economy, digital-economy, value creation machines we have no such visibility from which to make decisions.
The Value Creation Maturity Assessment provides a measure of the value creation capacity of your organisational machine. It shows where you are relative to peers, and quantifies the value of specific upgrades. 
Built out of breakthrough 2020 academic research and international standards, this assessment provide a unique measure of an organisation’s capacity for value creation that links to its long term sustained value creation performance. The outstanding performer in our assessment has performed 800% ahead of the ASX200 index sustained over a 10 year period.
Do you want to know how your organisation measures up?

01. Value Creation Maturity Assessment

Measure your organisation's capacity for sustained value creation.


02. Benchmark

Compare to peers and quantify the value potential of upgraded practice.


03. Value Your Upgrades

Identify (cost/benefit) which specific capacity upgrades will lead to better value creation performance.